This page shows the academic work of Joonyong Choi in the science subjects throughout his high school years.
9th Grade
In 9th grade, I took the Biology course for the academic year. During the year, I studied the basic concepts of structure and function, inheritance and variation in traits, matter and energy in organisms, and natural selection. In the process, I have completed not only individual assignments, quizzes, and tests but also many group projects. An example of those is the SARS-Cov-2 Infographic project, where I developed an infographic about COVID-19 and the analysis project on the lymphatic and immune systems of the human body.
10th Grade
In 10th grade, I took a chemistry course for the academic year. During the year, I studied the topics of periodic law, atomic theory, bonding, chemical reactions, acid-base, gas laws, enthalpy, and nuclear chemistry. While going through these various topics within chemistry, I have demonstrated outstanding performances in all assignments, including the major projects. Some great examples of those are the Ocean Acidification Data Lab Project, in which I simulated data for ocean acidification and provided analysis, and the Acid-Base Titration Lab, which I actually conducted an acid-base titration lab experiment and wrote a lab report about in a poster form.
11th Grade
AP Physics 1
During my junior year, I took the AP Physics 1 course for the science subject. During the academic year, I learned about the mechanics concepts of physics, such as kinematics, dynamics, circular motion and gravitation, work and energy, momentum, simple harmonic motion, and rotational motion. All of these topics were critical concepts in the mechanics field of physics as they were all about the laws that apply to matter and their motions. For this course, I have not only demonstrated outstanding performance in challenging tests or quizzes but also showcased leadership in multiple group labs. For instance, I led my lab group in the Static Friction lab, where we had to find the coefficient of static friction for different types of surfaces, and the Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) lab, where we analyzed the three given objectives.