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ExtraCurricular Activities

This page shows the various extracurricular activities that Joonyong Choi has done.

This page shows the specific information regarding formal community services and volunteers Joonyong Choi did throughout his academic years. However, it DOES NOT include all community services since this page is dedicated to services with sufficient files, images, and information.

Community Service

This page displays specific information regarding the formal competitions Joonyong Choi participated in during high school. However, it DOES NOT include all competitions since this page is dedicated to competitions with sufficient files, images, and information. To see the list or information of all competitions that Joonyong Choi won awards, please see the resume attached on the “Home” page or the “Honors & Awards” page.


This page shows specific information regarding the research programs and internships that Joonyong Choi has done during his high school years.

Research & Internships

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Bronze Standard is an award received for completing volunteer activities, physical training, and self-improvement for three months in addition to two days of adventure experience, achieving the purpose of non-formal education and learning of the program. As I completed volunteer activities through the mentoring club, physical training through skipping ropes and fitness, and self-improvement through AP course studies, I was certified for the Bronze Standard of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, meaning all the necessary requirements.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

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