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This page shows the academic work of Joonyong Choi in the elective subjects throughout his high school years, including AP Computer Science Principles, Spanish, Theatre, Choir, Physical Education, Korean Language & History.

AP Computer Science Principles

For the only AP course option to select during my sophomore year, I decided to take the AP Computer Science Principles course. In this course, I studied topics like creative development, data, algorithms and programming, computer systems and networks, and impact of computing. While going through these units rigorously throughout the year, I showed a great understanding of the development process and the function of algorithms. Moreover, I also exhibited the ability to develop algorithms myself from beginning to end through several Create Performance Task practices and the actual Create Task in which I developed a library management software and hospital reception software through Java programming. Eventually, this significantly contributed to enhancing my programming skills and my overall grade for the AP course.


For one of the elective course choices during grades 9 and 10, I decided to take the Spanish Ⅰ and Spanish Ⅱ courses for each academic year. As I saw through the list of courses, I became interested in Spanish and believed it would be a good opportunity to learn a third language other than Korean and English. In the Spanish Ⅰ course in grade 9, I learned the basics of the Spanish language, such as the alphabet, numbers, and grammar. In the Spanish Ⅱ course in the subsequent year, I studied the applications of the knowledge I learned in Spanish Ⅰ within actual texts or sentences. In both courses, I have always exceeded the expectations suggested by the rubric. This is well-demonstrated through multiple projects such as the La Familia Project, in which I wrote texts introducing my parents and the Comic Strip that applied Spanish in a daily, normal conversation. Eventually, I won the Spanish Language Award for Spanish Ⅱ in my sophomore year.

Theatre Ⅰ/Ⅱ 

For one of the elective courses during my junior year, I selected the courses of Theatre Ⅰ and Theatre Ⅱ, each for a semester. During Theatre Ⅰ, I studied topics about Stanislavski, the father of modern theatre, and how a theatre company actually conducts production. Specifically, I learned the unique methods Stanislavski developed, such as the circles of attention and the magic if. In Theatre Ⅱ, I studied devising and composition as well as scriptwriting. I had performed outstanding, exceptional abilities throughout the year in both courses. Especially, I heavily contributed during group projects like Composition 1 (attached video).

HS Choir

For one of the elective courses during my junior year, I decided to take the High School Choir. Feeling that it would be a great opportunity to engage in music that I have not done for a few years, I joined the Choir. This course was more focused on singing various songs rather than studying the musical concepts in specified units. We sang songs like “Gloria in excelsisDeo,” “O magnum mysterium,” “City Called Heaven,” and many more. I have shown exceptional abilities while singing these songs during classes. In addition, I continued to challenge myself by participating in multiple local concerts held within the school, public concerts, and cooperative concerts with the Harvard University choir Radcliffe Choral Society.

Physical Education

In terms of physical education, which is mandatory for grades 9 and 10, I have demonstrated good performance, just like many other subjects. During the course, I have gone through many different physical activities and sports, such as soccer, parkour, fitness, skipping rope, swimming, and many other exercises. Completing these activities made me a better individual with a healthy body and mindset.

Korean Language and History

During my freshman and sophomore years, I took the Korean Language and History class. In the Korean Language course, I studied the basics of the Korean language structure, grammar, and the analysis of prominent Korean literature texts. In the Korean History course, I learned the history of Korea from the prehistoric ages to the modern period of democratization in Korea. I have demonstrated exceptional performance and passion in this subject, leading me to receive the Korean Language and History subject award in grade 10.

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